What Mrs Sykes Can't Do...

OK. We did our first day of county-mandated standardized testing today with my 2nd graders. My poor little 7 and barely 8 year olds who did not know they were taking this test until Monday, when we tracked back in after our 3 week vacation. (It was just told to us in the past month that we were doing this test!) Who had very little experience bubbling test items on a Scantron sheet with a number 2 pencil, being sure to erase any stray marks and not redraw a circle if they accidentally erase a circle because the redrawn circle may be scored as your answer. We practiced bubbling for 3 days. Ick. Double ick. Super double-dog ick. Years ago, I used to teach 3rd grade. I loved teaching 3rd grade. The curriculum was interesting, the kids had a wonderful sense of humor, and I worked with fabulous teachers. The issue was the testing. I gave 8 standardized tests during a year, testing everything from their writing sk...