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Common Core Standards Shortcut & Dropbox

After 3 ag-ra-va-ting days without internet service at home, I'm back online!  Yay!  :)  I really missed y'all.

Here's a super cool Common Core shortcut...  right over here ------------->>

Click it.  Isn't it cool?  Want to get your own?  Check it out here.

Also, have you checked out Dropbox?  I live in fear of losing my precious files, so I back up everything important on my laptop, desktop, and flash drive.  An easy solution is to use Dropbox.  You get 2 G of storage for free, but if you click this link,  you'll get another 250 MB for free.  Enjoy!!


  1. I can't use dropbox because it's not an approved site for our I just use google docs.

    1. Jen,
      Makes sense. I would, too, if I couldn't access Dropbox. We have trouble accessing Google Docs sometimes in our district, since we have a really old version of Internet Explorer on all school computers. (County policy - the email doesn't work with the higher versions!)

  2. Just downloaded the app. Thanks for sharing.
    See you Saturday!

    1. Yay! I'm looking forward to the Raleigh blogger meet up! :)

  3. No Internet is like... no food!!!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

    1. I know. It's quite a first-world problem... :)

  4. Yeah for being back online! I am going to check out Dropbox. I did end up blogging about my tongue tonight. :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac

    1. Your poor tongue! I hope it gets better soon.

  5. I was aggravated about having to email/transfer from flash drive all of the files I use to my coworkers. Now, I just share my stuff on dropbox and it's made life so much easier.

    Emily @ Second Grade Silliness 

  6. Thanks for stopping by Emily! I am glad we found each other! I love your resources!
    3 Teacher Chicks


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