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A Fabulous Resource for National Board Certification


I'm proud to say that I am a National Board Certified Teacher.  It's the time of year when many people are frantically finishing up "The Box," where they send their hard work, videos, and artifacts off to be scored as they strive for National Board Certification.  If you are in the midst of this process, just know that I understand how crazy difficult this process is for you!  I still have my pictures from when I packed my Box in March 2010.  Here's a glimpse for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about...

If you are considering pursuing National Board Certification, you need to do a lot of research and soul-searching beforehand.  For me, this involved a lot of serious conversations with my husband and my parents about how to provide support for our family while I worked on NBs.  Since we have 2 kids (ages 2 & 6 at the time), this was no small task; my amazing husband loaded the kids in the car practically every Saturday for a few hours at the park, the library, grandparents' house, etc., and I would work on NBs. Throughout the work week, I reserved an early morning before the bell each week to work on NBs.

Luckily, there are some *Fantastic* resources out there to help us as we undertake this process.  I went to absolutely every National Board support meeting offered by my school system, formed study groups with other EMC-Literacy candidates, and scoured the web for tips.  The best, best, best, best resource I found was the compilation of advice/tips/resources from Angela Watson at the Cornerstone for TeachersClick here to visit her NBC free resources page.

I hope this is useful to you!!  ~Jen


  1. Congrats on being NBCT. That is such an amazing accomplishment! I almost did it a year ago, but I knew I could not cope with all the work. I was afraid of all the work, but I am terrified with all the assessments. My husband is away pretty much all week and my two kids (+ my 24) keep me busy. I am hoping to get around to it one day ;) Congrats again!!!

    1. Tania, Thanks for the comment! It is a huge commitment of time, and generally a huge undertaking. It was also the most valuable professional development opportunity I have ever had. I am absolutely a better teacher from my time focusing on the standards and my craft. Thanks!

  2. Wow! Looks like a lot of work. Congrats on getting it all done!

  3. Congratulations on being Nationally Board Certified! That is a huge accomplishment!
    Conversations in Literacy

  4. Congrats!!! I took pics of all my stuff too--A LOT OF PICS. The poor lady at the post office was puzzled when I took a picture of the box with the postage (showing the date), and her holding the box!!!!! I felt a little lost getting into my car empty handed!!! :)

    Live Laugh and Love to Learn

  5. Congratulations! I'm about to start the process of NBPTS. I was wondering if you could share your tips of how you organized yourself. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how to create a calendar, to-do list and organization system for all the entries and resources.

  6. Hi, I am looking into becoming certified as well. I just learned they are changing the whole process and the only way to get in under the current system is to complete portfolio by mid May. I was wondering how long the process took for you? I am a full-time teacher, not not yet a mom. Do you believe it would be doable in a few months? Thank you for your time and insight!

    1. Abigail,
      Going through the National Boards Certification process is quite intense, and I caution you about cutting the time short by beginning so late in the year. Speak with colleagues who have certified in the same area you are hoping to pursue, and listen to their advice. Also, know that you will need a huge support system to pursue National Boards and teach full time.

      Best wishes!! Jen


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