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NC Bloggers Meet Up! - A Recap

Wow!  What a fun time I had at our first NC Bloggers Meet Up.  I met some a-maz-ing people, and we had a great time!  Randi from Teach it With Class organized it, and she is just all sorts of awesome.  We talked for more than 2 hours about blogs, our schools, blogs, our districts, blogs, our students, blogs, well... you get the idea.  :)

One of the best things about blogging is that the blogging community is so friendly.  Teacher bloggers ARE teachers, so they are probably helpful and positive (unless you tell us we can vent for a sec with the door closed!!  just sayin'), and the vibe from the blogger group was supportive.  We had a super time at the Mexican  Restaurant; a few of us even enjoyed a beverage, good food, good company, fun.

Before I left, my hubby asked me if I was really about to go meet some people I had only chatted with online for dinner.  I realized that sounded pretty bad, but I assured him they weren't all strangers - my buddy Casey from 2nd Grade Maniac was going to be there, too!  I was worried the storms would keep people away, but we had a nice turnout.  Seriously, the middle of NC was under a Tornado Watch for hours while we ate; at one point, the storm was shaking the windows!  It sent a few of us to our phones for the weather updates.  :)

Here's the picture, from Randi.  {She remembered we needed a picture, I forgot, so I'm using hers!!}
Visit their blogs and leave a bit of love for the NC bloggers!  :)

If you're a NC Blogger, Randi was talking about another meet-up this summer.  I'll keep you posted!  :)  Enjoy!  ~Jen


  1. It was a great night! My husband wondered how I decided to go meet 4 strangers. My response "We are teachers, we are brave, and always have plenty of things to talk about."
    I hope you had an awesome first day back to school.
    Thanks for following me! I am pretty sure I am doing something wrong. I get your post on Reader, but not showing up on your followers list.

    My Second Sense

  2. I had no idea we were under a tornado watch! I guess that should be another incentive for me to get tech savy! Grandma might not always be able to call me in time! haha Anyway, I was able to sell B on going to the meet up because you were going, I didn't realize how bizarre it sounded until I was explaining to him exactly what I was doing. . . but I had a blast and got the blogging boost that I needed! :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac Blog
    Teachers Pay Teachers Store

  3. Anonymous3/27/2012

    What a fabulous idea!!! I am glad you girls had a good time! By the way, I'm your newest follower. :)

    You should swing by my blog sometime.

    1. Thanks to everyone for the comments!! We had a great time, and inspired me to continue blogging with determination (and to always pretend that I'm talking to someone while I type!)

      Marie - I'm headed to your blog in a sec!! :)



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