Easy Peasy - Gifts for Parents from Your Students

I treasure the Christmas gifts I get from my own kiddos each year, and I know that many of my students have no resources to give their parents a gift on their own. I make sure that my students always get the opportunity to make a gift for someone special. Graphics: Miss Russell's Room , Creative Clips , and Print Candee Here's a quick round-up of fabulous easy-peasy gifts for your students to make this year: The Christmas Calendar - I did this for 3 years in a row and had the biggest response from parents. Love, love, love this!! It's free, too. Go to Christina Bainbridge's free files page, and look under "C" for Christmas Gifts for families. It's all kinds of awesome. (Print, copy, then bind or staple. Kiddos decorate for several stretches of time during the week we need a project to work on - the week before Christmas!!) Parents love it, and it's worth my copy quota to know that my kiddos have something they are proud to g...