3 Ways to Get Students More Fit With fit4Schools
This is a paid post sponsored by WeAreTeachers and fit4Schools. All opinions are my own.
Not all students come to school ready to learn, so it becomes our job to help them get ready to learn. fit4Schools is a free resource for teachers, caregivers, and parents to help kids learn about keeping fit!

2. The 3 minute fitBoost. Totally amazing. The on-screen timer tells you how long to do the fitBoost: 1 minute Warm-Up, 1 minute Move, and 1 minute Cool Down. If you want to modify the times, just turn off the timer and click to transition. I would use this daily before beginning our reading and math blocks. If you took 3 minutes at the beginning of your reading block and another 3 minutes at the beginning of your math block for a fitBoost, you would ensure students get some developmentally appropriate movement they lack in their school day and train their body to prepare for learning. In 6 minutes a day. Wow!
3. The fit lessons. These lessons are well planned, correlate to national standards, and include all materials and extension activities. I could see these being used by school counselors, classroom teachers, homeschool educators, and physical education specialists to provide awareness and education about MOOD, FOOD, MOVE, and RECHARGE, 4 key factors of healthy living.
Be sure to pin this website and share it with your teacher friends so we can help all students get fit!
Not all students come to school ready to learn, so it becomes our job to help them get ready to learn. fit4Schools is a free resource for teachers, caregivers, and parents to help kids learn about keeping fit!
What is fit4Schools?
fit4Schools is a collaborative project from Sanford Health and WebMD. Their mission is to empower children to do the simple things every day that make healthy lifestyle choices a habit.3 Free Healthy Tools for Teachers
My favorite parts of the fit4Schools website are the free resources for teachers! I have tried out 3 of these tools, and want to share them with you.
1. The daily fitTip. A daily fitTip makes it easy to incorporate healthy lifestyle discussions into your daily routine. The fitTip can be a discussion point during morning meeting, a reflection topic for journal writing, or a wrap-up activity after recess.

2. The 3 minute fitBoost. Totally amazing. The on-screen timer tells you how long to do the fitBoost: 1 minute Warm-Up, 1 minute Move, and 1 minute Cool Down. If you want to modify the times, just turn off the timer and click to transition. I would use this daily before beginning our reading and math blocks. If you took 3 minutes at the beginning of your reading block and another 3 minutes at the beginning of your math block for a fitBoost, you would ensure students get some developmentally appropriate movement they lack in their school day and train their body to prepare for learning. In 6 minutes a day. Wow!
3. The fit lessons. These lessons are well planned, correlate to national standards, and include all materials and extension activities. I could see these being used by school counselors, classroom teachers, homeschool educators, and physical education specialists to provide awareness and education about MOOD, FOOD, MOVE, and RECHARGE, 4 key factors of healthy living.
Influencers vs. Choices
As a parent of a child with disordered eating, this is my favorite takeaway from the fit4Schools website: the distinction between the Influencers vs. Choices, and how they affect each other and your health. It's not the typical "eat healthy and move more" message that kids hear all the time. Rather, fit's resources build your awareness that MOOD and RECHARGE (Influencers) influence your FOOD and MOVE (Choices), and vice versa.Click to visit the MOOD, FOOD, RECHARGE, and MOVE pages. |
The fit Commit Sweepstakes
From now until 11:59 p.m. on May 16, 2017, you can enter the fit4Schools "fit Commit" Sweepstakes. Each of the 16 winners will get their choice of fit Kits, including a "Classroom Active Seating" kit, a "Get Moving for PE" kit, and a "Rainy Day" kit. Each kit is valued at $650. Click here to check it out and enter the sweepstakes!Be sure to pin this website and share it with your teacher friends so we can help all students get fit!

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