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Teacher Friendly Flash Drives and Giveaway

I don't know about you, but I geek out pretty hard with my supplies. I can even go a bit overboard... My pencil sharpener is guarded fiercely from colored pencils because it sharpens perfectly, every time. My post-its are color-coded for strategy practice, so please put them back. If you leave the cap off a dry-erase marker, you will get the business end of a hissy fit. And for the love of Maude, take special care of the markers in this box:

That's why I'm super excited to show you this new little doodad that helps me so much: a paper clip style flash drive. If my internet speed is taking a long time to buffer videos in my classroom, I've got an easy way to access the video, even if it's not on my computer. Great for carrying your lesson planning home, too. I got my paper clip flash drive from They have a ton of really cool designs to pick from. (See their best-sellers at this link)

I had mine in my binder at a meeting today, and the teachers at my table thought it was so cool! It seriously is the size of a paperclip.

I'm so thankful for the opportunity you give me to share my love for literacy with the world through this little corner of the blogosphere. As a small token of this appreciation, I'm giving some away! I'll pick ten winners, who will each receive a flash drive via snail mail from me. I'll also include my newest resource in my TPT store, at, so you can Create Your Own Cootie Catchers!
Create your own Cootie Catchers, with editable versions, too! 
Want to win one? I'll use the Rafflecopter below to select ten winners next week! Make sure you leave an email address with Rafflecopter that you remember to check, so I can send them out. :) Best of luck, and have an amazing week, friends.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Yes, I am nuts about cute/functional supplies, too!

  2. I love school supplies. And I can't resist a good deal, either. I think I have 5 12-packs of Mr. Sketch scented markers, plus the new movie and ice cream ones...and my students only get to use them under close supervision, haha.

  3. Anonymous9/12/2015

    I think many of us were born with markers and organizers in our hands! I love any way I can find to organize and save my stuff!

  4. Is there a Supplies Anonymous group? I think I need to attend one of their meetings (or several). I LOVE my "toys"!

  5. My family thinks I'm crazy with school supplies but i think it's an illness all teachers have, right?

  6. I totally geek out about school supplies and tech stuff! I can't believe how many different flash drives there are! So fun!!!!

  7. Oh I so geek out over my "teacher supplies" NO one but me can touch that pencil sharpener!


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