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Establish Positive Relationships with Goldfish Crackers!

Today I want to share a trick for you to establish positive relationships with your students. Establish a positive connection with your students to help them engage and feel passionate about the importance of the subject matter.

You'll need about 30 seconds, some Goldfish crackers, and a clear plastic container with a tight lid. I like to use empty Crystal Light canisters that I wash out at home. Each student gets 3 goldfish crackers at the end of our class. If they worked really hard, add a fist bump, too! This ensures I give undivided attention to each student for several seconds before they leave my room. What do crackers have to do with building relationships? The crackers are simply a way to remind me to slow down and speak with every student, every day!

As a literacy specialist at a year-round school, I have 50+ students on my roster at different point of the school day. Stopping to chat with each student by name goes a long way in building a positive relationship with your students. Remember to check for gluten and other food allergies!

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  1. I like that tangible reminder to talk to students one-on-one!

    My Bright Blue House

  2. I love it. If your school, like mine, doesn't allow food treats, you could give each kid a sticker.

    Krazy Town


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