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Take Care of Yourself and Each Other :)

Ugh.  One of the worst parts of having depression is that sometimes, for no reason at all, everything stinks.  This happened to me last spring.  It started with being a bit tired/unmotivated.  A month later, I realized I had neglected housework, the yard, and things I am usually passionate about - like this blog.   At the same time, I felt completely overwhelmed. by. everything.  I got through it with a lot of rest, time, support from friends, love from my family, and learning not to be so hard on myself.  I am working on my gratitude, and seeing the blessings present in my daily life as a way to beat depression, including opening myself up to new friendships and opportunities.
As we gear up to begin a new school year, I just want to remind myself (and all of you) to be gentle on yourself and each other.  We truly don't know what personal struggles each other face, and we need to be mindful.
Teachers are a resilient bunch, and I am no exception.  I am hoping that reducing my hours (again) and spending more time with my family and friends will keep me on an even keel.  Unfortunately, since I don't feel right taking medical leave, it means a bit of increased stress financially.  It is scary, but what is life without a bit of risk, right?
I'll have something teaching-related next time... most likely!  Thanks so much for listening, again.


  1. I can not believe I just read this. I deal with depression as well. Right now I am going through the same little funk. But I agree with you, I won't take medical leave. People don't understand our struggles: getting up in the morning, pretending to be happy and putting on the show, etc. I just want you to know you are not alone. I'm sending you a big hug. God bless.


    1. Jennifer, Thanks for your support and sweet comment! Big hugs right back at you!!! Remember to take care of yourself, and take the medical leave if you need it!! I just don't feel like I am at that point right now. Thankfully, the summer came along at an opportune time! ;)

  2. We as teachers tend to put everyone else first. I'm glad you are making the choice to take care of yourself.

    Surfing to Success

  3. ((Hugs)), Friend!


    1. Aww, thanks, friend! Hugs to you, too!! I'll bring you lunch again soon!

  4. Hi, depression has been part of my life for many years, it can really cycle through your life and sometimes without warning. Learning the signs of going on a downward cycle is key as the sooner you realise the easier it is to come out of it. A key for me was when I was told a few years ago that a females iron and B2 levels contribute to depression, making sure you keep these levels up is important to your mental health. When we are stressed we burn through these vitamins even faster and lack of these vitamins lead to poor sleep, which ups our stress and inability to cope (a lose lose cycle) By taking a vitamin B combo and iron especially when you notice yourself on a downward slide can make it so much easier to "pick yourself up". I hope this info can help you, it has made a HUGE difference for me and I have avoided medication as a result :)

    1. Angela, Thank you so much for this insight! I'm planning to discuss this with my doctor so make sure I don't "slide back" down. I appreciate the tips about vitamin B and Iron! Thanks!!

  5. Such a brave post! Thank you for sharing your story.
    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

    1. Thanks for your comments. My hope is that one day mental health is as widely discussed as dental health. :) Thanks for listening.

  6. Thanks for sharing your story. I've been there, and it's hard to get out. Sending positive vibes your way!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

    1. Thanks, Sally! Luckily, I am already on the upward swing, so it is much improved! Hugs to you, Vegas buddy! ;)

  7. Anonymous8/08/2014

    What a great reminder. We do need to be gentle on ourselves, whether we suffer from depression or not. Thank you for sharing!

    Terri Izatt

    1. Thanks, Terri! I appreciate your support! :)


  8. Love this post. It is always nice to see the "real" side of the person. I have been diagnosed with depression as well as just as you said it is still a daily struggle. I notice that I definitely have good times and bad. I was on medication for awhile, but it was making me gain weight and I didn't want to be tied to taking a daily med. I like the previous comment about the vitamins. I think it is a great idea to try something natural. Sending positive vibes your way!
    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

  9. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I really enjoyed reading this. It sounds like you have made the best decisions for yourself to keep a great balance in your life. Teaching is very draining and we need to lean on each other at times, even if it's just to remind each other that we will be OK.


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