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Why Working With Kids Is Amazing

Sometimes, we just need a reminder of why we do what we do.
Button Graphics from my new favorite clipart artist, Tomato Dumplings.
I went back and found these old pictures that I keep to remind me why I work with kids instead of adults.  They made me smile, and I thought you might enjoy them, too.  Enjoy!!

A note on the board from 2 students to the rest of their class...

A sticky note reminder - "I need to read"

Reading your favorite silly books while wearing pajamas in public?  Yep.

When given paper and markers, they made this - a bookmark with attitude.

Even apples need some TLC.  Right, Casey?

Creating instruments to explore how sound works...

Even 5th graders still love construction paper and markers.  Check out their ELA Notebooks here.  :)
Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. These are all great reminders of why we do what we do! I love that Post-It!! :)

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  2. Thanks, Jennifer! I needed a bit of a laugh after giving end of grade tests last week. This was the result. :) I appreciate your comment!


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