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NC Meetup Recap, What's Your Favorite?, and Remembering 9/11

So... several weeks ago I had the amazing pleasure of getting together with some of my NC Teacher Blogger friends.  Since I've been napping slacking off busy, this is the first chance I've had to share!  Enjoy!!

NC Bloggers!  :)
We met at Logan's Roadhouse in Garner - the kind of place you should put your peanut shells on the floor.  Really.  (I think we were all nervous about leaving a mess, so all our peanut shells ended up wadded into napkins!!)
So. Much. Fun!  The place was rockin' - possibly due to the fact that everyone else there was going to the Miranda Lambert concert...  Our waiter thought we were celebrating a birthday, since we brought door prizes!  :)

For your free Keep Calm and Shine On Labels, click here.
 Seriously, this was such a fun group of ladies - we swapped blogging tips, teaching stories (including my Beginning Teacher Story - Fire and Broken Bones), and got to know each other better.  Be sure to visit their blogs...  :)

I'm super thrilled to link up with Teaching With Grace for a fun linky -
Here's a peek at my Favorites Bar...
I tend to put my Favorites in the order that I use them, so in the front, I have Gmail, Hello Mrs Sykes (You're here!), and links to TPT and TN, and my Facebook page.  By the way, if you haven't grabbed your fan freebie (Chevron Alphabet display), time is running out - it will be changed soon!!  I have a link to my school system's website, since I'm referring to it constantly, even from home.  :)

JW Illustrations and KPM Doodles are two of my favorite clipart sites!  If you are looking for clipart, you should check them out!

Since my son and daughter use my computer, too, I have links to Starfall and PBS Kids.  I can't recommend these sites enough!!  They are amazing, especially for my son, who is learning to read.  :)

The Google Analytics site is where I get my geek on, checking stats for my blog traffic.

I hope that everyone holds their loved ones a bit longer today, spends a moment of quiet reflection for those who continue to protect and serve, and thanks a veteran today...  If you are looking for resources to address 9/11 with your class, Laura Candler has a wonderful blog post on Corkboard Connections about the delicate balance of honoring 9/11 with students.  Much love to you all!!

Tribute in Light (2)


  1. It was great to get together! It was super sweet and thoughtful of you to get us goodies :) Lucky us! I want to be friends forever. You are so sincere and truthful and funny and cool!
    We should do the bloggy get together more often.
    My Second Sense


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