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Keep Your Child Writing At Home (or on Vacation!)

We've been at the beach this week, and I thought I'd share a little tidbit that I use with my own children...
Credits: Mr. MagicianKG Fonts
For our beach trip, I made a whopping investment - at the Dollar Tree.  I purchased a 3-pack of Mini Composition books and gave 2 of them to my kiddos, along with some ball-point pens from the depths of my purse I picked specifically for them.  I told them it was their track-out notebook, for them to put anything they wanted to remember from their vacation.  Check it out:
You could decorate it... but I just gave my kiddos a pen.  They are so excited to write in pen.
My Kindergartner has a cold.  He thought it was important.  His sister wrote the sentence. 
He is learning to speak forcefully to get the dog's attention - thus, the yelling.
He found a cool leaf.  He taped it in, and wrote an L because leaf begins with L.  The line is for the rest of the letters.
This is the only page I've been allowed to read from my 5th grader's notebook, but it's pretty awesome.
 Best part?  We had one "extra" notebook.  My 5th grader decided to use it from the point of view of our new dog, Mavis.  Love, Love, Love.  :)
From the point of view of our pet, Mavis.
For a dollar, my kiddos have been drawing/writing/keeping a record of our family vacation, with very little help from me.  Cheap, easy, and fun!  And, it keeps them writing in an authentic way over the vacation. How do you encourage kiddos to write at home?


  1. Great idea! I can't wait to do this when my daughters are older. When students go away during the school year, I give them a journal to write in. They come up with some good things and often carry it into their school journals.

    I hope you had a nice vacation!

    1, 2, Eyes On You!

  2. So sweet to see those precious drawings, and it's always such an eye-opener to see what's really important in their day, isn't it?
    I saw a writing-at-home idea on Pinterest that I'm going to get my grandkids started on. It's a bedtime journal. Each child has his own journal and just before bed writes and draws about the one thing he wants to remember/ made him happiest/ was the most fun etc. Then he takes it to bed for some quiet rereading before sleep. I LOVE that part especially for pre-readers... think of the print association, the discoveries like, "I saw that word on the other page, too", just the excitement of seeing his own speech put down on paper. So powerful!
    Ah, I do go on ... should've made this a blogpost! :)
    Thanks, Jen!

    Primary Inspiration


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