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Currently September

Really?  It's September?  How did that happen?  My Sabbatical has been great, but I'm heading back to work in a bit...  I'll tell you more in a bit.  First, it's time for Currently with Farley...
Listening:  Aren't you glad Jon is back?  If you don't know what I'm talking about... no worries!  It's the Daily Show.  :)
Loving:  Mavis!  My new fur baby.  Here's a pic of her from my buddy Casey.  She's super cute!
Thinking:  I got a job!  I know I've been on Sabbatical, but I had an amaing opportunity land in my lap.  I'll be an Intervention teacher for grades 3-5.  I'm super excited, and have been Pinning away on Pinterest.  :)
Wanting:  'nuff said.  I need to take time for myself.
Needing:  a Laundry Fairy.  {Maybe I'll have my kiddos do it...  yeah, right!}
{Puffy Heart}:  Daily walks - with Miss Mavis!; Occasional Meditation; I'll start drinking more water, since I'm no spring chicken!!
Don't forget to check out the linky with Farley, and the rule of 3!


  1. Hi there! I found you through Farley's linky :) I love your puppy! Such a cutie :)

    The Fabulous Life of an Elementary Teacher

  2. Hi Jen,

    Thank you for the comment on my blog! Love your pup, makes me want to get one but the poor thing might get deglected since I'm always working!
    PS: need to fold laundry too! =P

    Sea of Knowledge

  3. You new job sounds fantastic! Enjoy your time back from your sabbatical, enjoy your family and stay healthy and smiling :)
    My Second Sense


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