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Back It Up! :)

Okay, we're cruising into summer.  As you clean out your classroom, don't forget an important step...
Back Up Your Files!
For reals... I work with a fantabulous teammate who creates uh-maz-ing materials.  She lost all of her files this year.  Twice.  Really.  I'm not gonna name names here, so don't ask me who this is...  The time we spend re-creating teaching materials, we could be on Pinterest!!  (BTW - feel like following me on Pinterest?  Click here!)
Here are a few ways:

  1. Dropbox - It is awesome!!  Dropbox backs up my files on each of my computers, and I can also access all of my files on-line.  It's also easy to send files to others without filling up their inbox.  If you don't already have an account, click here to join for 2 GB free, and an extra 500 MB for each of us.
  2. Flash Drive - Old school, yes.  It works!  I have 2, since USB Drives fail.  I update one of them monthly, and the other every time I work on Report Cards.  
  3. Google Drive - Store tons of your digital files, just like Dropbox.  It works.  'Nuff said.
  4. Carbonite - Y'all know it - I'm cheap frugal really broke, especially after deciding to take a Sabbatical this year, but it would take me ages to re-create my files after 14 years in the classroom.  Sometimes, it pays to spend a bit...  if you sign up here, we both get a $20 gift card to Amazon.  It starts at $59 per year. 
My advice - use at least 2 of these methods to "Back Up" your precious files - remember, this is time saved by spending minutes a week backing it up.  Enjoy!!!!


  1. Thanks for sharing those other tools. I use Dropbox all the time and LOVE it! :)


  2. Awesome advice! I actually worked on this today! ;)

    Second Grade Math Maniac

  3. I use dropbox and a flashdrive and I'm glad I do because I apparently forgot to put all of my kids' pictures on dropbox, but found them on a flashdrive.



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