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Sparkles and the Dreaded To-Do List

I'm enjoying a bit of time away from school - it's one of my guilty pleasures that I have time off in strange spots of the calendar since I'm at a year-round school.  My daughter is on the same schedule I am, and we've been having girl time, painting nails:
Check out the SPARKLES!  We'll see how long this lasts...  ;)
watching movies:
Love it!!  :)
and taking naps: - I wake up every day planning to be productive. Then a voice in my head says
Also, I've been trying to tackle the dreaded To-Do list.  Really.  Not a whole lot has been accomplished from that list, but I'm making headway.  Here are links to a couple of TPT projects that have been sitting in my "To Be Continued" folder for a lo-o-o-ng time...  Feels good to check something off the list.  Enjoy!!

If you like the the Shades of Grey Chevron Papers I used, you can get your own here:

And a quick confession for y'all... - Sparkle has always been my favorite color.


  1. Hooray for track out!! Sparkle is also my favorite color. :)
    I've been trying to stay off of TPT and get my house unpacked but I just keep telling myself . . . if you sell 100 more sets of task cards you can get that rug you saw at Overstock! :)

    I've missed having you to banter with. I've been forced to leave a lot of thoughts unsaid with only the cats to listen. All 4 of them . . . . .

    You can probably tell I've been alone a lot from this comment post and from my post on TPT. My hair dresser won't know what hit her tomorrow. . . .

    Second Grade Math Maniac
    Bear in Mind Blog Design


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