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Rainbow Phrases!!

Whew!  I finally finished the most recent addition to my Teachers Pay Teachers store, Rainbow Phrases!  I am super excited to share them with you today.  First, a bit of background...

Y'all know I was a Literacy Specialist for years in my district, and I use this system (though it din't look so pretty then!) with my kiddos in grades 2-5 who needed fluency interventions and already knew their sight words.  Teachers in my district have been using Rainbow Words extensively for years, and I thought that Rainbow Phrases were the next logical step.

My at-risk kiddos loved these!  They each got a "book ring" with their phrases on them, and as they passed each "level" they received more phrases in another color.  The parents (who were typically the ones who weren't sure how to help their child at home) raved about how easy it was to help their child learn their phrases at home.  Then I moved back into the classroom, and these fell by the wayside as I was inundated with the everyday challenges facing classroom teachers... y'all know what I mean!  ;)

Last year, I had a 1st grader who came to my classroom several days per week, as she had mastered all of the Rainbow Words, but needed help with fluency and comprehension.  To help her comprehension, I used many resources, including my Higher Level Thinking Questions for Reading Comprehension.  For her fluency, I swept the dust from my Rainbow Phrases, and we were off!  One of my students saw the rings, and asked if he could use them, too.  Um, yeah.  Sure!  Since then, I've been using this in my own classroom with students struggling with fluency in addition with my regular fluency practice, which I always try to make as fun as possible.

Over the past month, I've spent tons of time (just ask my hubby!!) making this look suitably fancy for teachers to use from Teachers Pay Teachers.  I hope you enjoy how easy it is to use!

I am a part of a giveaway by Jessica at Second Grade Nest!  Go visit her blog to enter; there are a ton of great prizes to be won.  :)  May the odds be ever in your favor!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2nd Squirrel!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You've still got a few days left to enter the Samson's Classroom Giveaway!  Have you entered?


  1. those look UH-MAZING!!! a labor of love :)
    The Teacher’s Cauldron

  2. Wow! This looks great!! :)


  3. Um . . . I would say that they are suitably fancy for sure! Way to be productive over track out, friend! :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac
    Second Grade Freebies

    1. Fancy but not fancy-pants, right? Thanks, friend!


  4. Wow!!!!! I can't wait to use this with my firsties who are ready....

    Happy New Year!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  5. I am your newest follower. I love the rainbow phrases. I teach 5th and 6th grade, but I often have special education students that need help with their fluency. I am going to try this with them.

    Thank you,
    I'm your newest follower!


  6. I found your blog today through My Second Sense's giveaway and I am so glad I did! I am a new follower!
    Second Grade is Out of This World!

  7. Anonymous1/05/2013

    What a great idea! I love that it is so easy to use and cute ta'boot!
    Hugs, peace, and chicken grease,


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