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Fun Times!

Lazy day at the beach today, and the most exciting thing to happen is we had a tree cut down.  Oddly enough, when I saw the tree truck, I started taking pictures...
Yep.  It's a ladder truck, now used to cut limbs off trees.
Since the tree was so rotten, they couldn't use ladders or climb the tree to cut it, so they brought the ladder truck.  My kiddos, my mom, and I pulled up lawn chairs and watched the show.

Best part?  After they finished they asked if anyone wanted to ride in the ladder box...
There was a rush get on!

Fun Times!

I got to ride, too!
That's all the excitement we had today, but it was plenty.  Other than that, it was just deciding where to eat.  :)  Also, I worked on my Context Clues task cards, available now on TpT.  (I'll add TN tomorrow...)
Context Clues Task Cards on TpT
Don't you love the graphics from The 3AM Teacher?



  1. Super cool story! I wish that I had gotten to ride in the ladder box on a fire truck! :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac

  2. That's really cool that they let your take a ride! How fun! :)


  3. Very cool- I would have thrown up- but very cool-

    Going Nutty!


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