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Mystery Word of the Week Throughout the Year!

Phew!  Fin-all-ly I finished my Mystery Word of the Week set for the year.  Check it out by clicking the pic below...

****Update - This set has been updated, again!! If you have already purchased this set, please go back and download again for free from your TPT purchases page!****

Need more Mystery Words?  Here's the beginning of year 2!!

I'm off to answer emails from parents about their green bean's interim reports!  (Can you believe I've already been in school over 4 weeks?!?)  Enjoy!!


  1. Good luck with your e-mails. Interim are always so much fun :)
    5 weeks to go! Track out is almost here!
    My Second Sense

  2. Your Mystery Word of the Week looks so cute!

    I can't believe you have been in school for 4 weeks already!! It's crazy how different all of our schedules are. Good luck with interims!


  3. I have purchased your other packs through TN. I like how you are consistent in using context clues, number of letters (allowing them to visually see the size of the word) along with synonyms and antonyms and the like. I decided to print a large of each day's clues for the students to use during workshop time. Then, at the end of the week I will pass out their individual copy (I printed all 5 pages on one sheet) to place in their Word Work binder for reference throughout the year.
    Thank you SOOOO much.
    I cannot believe you've been in school for 4 weeks already. That is CRAAAAZY! Although, I must say that I'm a tad jealous too. I miss teaching.
    Where Seconds Count


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