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MIA, Work in Progress, and Good Vibes {please!}

I have been such a slack blogger lately.  MIA.  I know.  It's weighed heavily on me this weekend, but I've been uber busy.  I've been back in school since July 9, (I'm in year-round school!) and there are a couple of green beans in my bunch that are a bit challenging.  In addition to the regular beginning-of-school-so-all-of-your-paperwork-is-due-at-some-arbitrary-yet-unachievable-deadline chaos, I'm pulling all of my positive behavior strategies out already!!

I'm working on a couple of projects, but I'm very excited about the progress I'm making with the next 2 sets of the Mystery Word of the Week.  After I have these sets complete, there will be 40 weeks for teachers to use throughout the year.  Eventually, I'll go back and package the sets together, but my family, friends, and students will come first.  And my laundry will need folding... again.  Some days I'm feeling this scattered:
As you lounge by the pool, at the beach, or sleep till noon, please send some good vibes my way... I'm gonna need all the help I can get!!!  :)  And more wine.  Holla!


  1. Hopefully things will slow down soon. The beginning of the year is always CRAZY!

    ✣ Miss Nelson✣
    Miss Nelson’s Blog

  2. Sending you good vibes!

  3. The start of each year is always nuts! I keep telling my husband that I didn't become ADD until I started teaching. LOL

    Lovin’ Kindergarten

  4. I hope everything irons out VERY soon~ The green beans are having to get adjusted to all the "newness." You're an awesome teacher, so everything will work out. Sending you good vibes and wine-lol!

  5. Ha! I love your pin! I hope things slow down for you soon. It's not easy when everything piles up all at once. Sending positive vibes your way. :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  6. Good vibes coming your way!
    Where Seconds Count

  7. Guess who's TpT product I finally got around to make and posting for Monday Made It on my blog.... YOURS! :) hehe. Just wanted to let you know. I completely love it!

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

  8. I pinned the ADD poster--LOL! So.Very.True.

    I love that you call your sweet students "green beans". :-)

  9. Great poster! Happy beginning of school. :) I hope you're not too worn out! I found your blog through My Second Sense - it's adorable! I hope you can come and visit my site. :)

    Second Grade Sparkle


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