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Currently, July Edition

July came too fast!  For those of you who don't already know, I teach in a year-round school.  I love the schedule, except when my workdays come in JULY!  Yep, tomorrow starts our new year, and kids go back July 9.  {For more info about the year-round schedule, check out this post.}  I'm linking up with Farley today to bring you the July Currently...

Be sure to follow the rule of 3, y'all!!  :)

Also, I'm in a couple of giveaways!  Check out Marie's giveaway at The Hands-On Teacher!  It's a fun giveaway to celebrate 200 followers, and you might win my Guided Reading Guide... 
Check out Jessica's giveaway at Mrs. Stanford's Class!  It's a 500 follower giveaway, and you could win several items from my TPT store...

Tune in Tuesday for my Bloggiversary Giveaway!!  You could win over 30 amazing resources!!


  1. I can't believe I forgot Skippyjon Jones! That's the perfect read aloud! How much vacation time do you actually get since it's year round?? Do you enjoy year round schools? I've never met someone who does that! Also, a beach vacation trip sounds FANTASTIC!

    Miss A's Kindergarten

  2. Hi,
    My school used to be year round - I miss it so much!! Hope this next school year goes smoothly for you. =)
    BTW - I'm your newest follower!


  3. When the laundry fairy is finished at your house, could you send her to mine? HA HA! Thank you for participating in my Inspirational Giveaway!!!

    Teaching with Moxie

  4. Until recently when they came out at Kohl's I think it was I had never heard of the Skippy John Jones books. This girl who is a lover of books was feeling so out of the loop. I am for sure going to be getting my hands on these. I like the idea of a year round school.

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  5. I guess for the laundry fairy to fold clothes that means you actually have to do the laundry part first, right? No wonder she keeps skipping over my house! :)


  6. I love your blog. I am awarding your the Versatile Blogger Award. Head over to my blog to get the award!

  7. I picked the exact same books. Great minds think alike :)
    My Second Sense

  8. I just ordered a bunch of Skippyjon Jones books from My students love him!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  9. Happy Birthday! And when the laundry fairy finishes at your place, send her on to mine! Thanks!

    Krazy Town

  10. Thanks for the shout out!

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I am your newest follower! I just started my blog last week and am so excited to network and connect with other AMAZING educators!

    Fancy Free in Fourth

  13. Hello Mrs. Sykes! ;) I found you via Jessica's blog and I'm a new follower. I'm having a giveaway through this week too and would love to have you come follow me to join in! P.S. I love Skippyjon too!!

  14. I found your blog from the contest at Jessica's blog and am a new follower! I love Skippyjon books he is a muy cool cat!

  15. I found your blog through Jessica. I am also a 2nd grade teacher. I just started blogging this summer. Stop on over if you get the chance. I welcome comments, suggestions, and new ideas!
    Where Seconds Count 2nd grade blog

  16. I am your newest follower! I found you through the give away at Mrs. Stanford's Class!

    Our first day of school is August 1, with inservice starting on July 26th. Our rooms have to be ready before the 26th BUT we can't get into the building until the 16th. STRESSED!

    I hope you'll check out my new "manly" teaching blog!

    Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten

  17. I found your blog through Jessica also! I am so excited for you! I also started a blog recently and would love feedback! All the items look so good I can't decide! Have a great Fourth!


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