Reading Intervention Programs Advice
Hello! I was chatting with my grade level today, and we had a question for y'all. First, let me give you a bit of background - here is a picture of my amazing teammates: My lovely teammates (except for Sondra!) That's me in the middle of the back row. Not too shabby for a day with no shower... :) (Long story!!) Don't we look like a group who collaborates, works hard, and helps each other? That's because we do!!! Anywhoo... we wanted to know what y'all recommend for 2nd grade reading intervention programs. Currently, we have Great Leaps , but we have had mixed results. Some of our struggling kiddos have used GL since Kindergarten, and we're looking for another option that can be easily implemented. As a Literacy Specialist, I love, love, loved both Soar to Success and the Benchmark Education materials, but they really don't lend themselves to having a para-professional or volunteer for implementation. Side note...