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I take a moment every now and then to remember how fortunate I am to have such a fabulous family who drop everything to help, an amazing hubby who cooks (especially when I'm tired!) and makes me laugh every day, and my amazing children, whose hugs and kisses make my day! I adore my school, my teammates, and the really special group of kiddos in my class this year.  With only 27 school days left, I've started to dread them leaving!  (Then I remind myself that I gave someone 18 redirections in a very short amount of time, and I start to feel a bit better...)  I have gratitude that I'm able to share my experiences in teaching with others through the wide array of resources available.  Thank you for reading my little blog; it means so much to me.  (Not as much as it means to my hubby, tho!  He's grateful there's someone for me to share all of my school "ideas" with, too!!)  ;)

What are you grateful for?

I won clip art gift certificates from Michele at Run! Miss Nelson's Got the Camera; $10 each at Fancy Dog and Scrappin Doodles.  Whoo-hoo!!  I'm gonna be filling my cart with clip art.  (I have developed quite a clip art addiction since opening my TPT/TN stores in February!)  Thanks Michele!! :) 

Also, I won Something Big Has Been Here by Jack Prelutsky from Renee at Reading Really Rocks.  She included some fun "extras," too!  Here are the pics!!

A sweet note from Renee

My kiddos are going to love this book!!

Fun pencils, award certificates, and a fancy to do list!
Thanks Renee!  :)

If you're interested in winning your choice of items from my TPT/TN stores, go enter the giveaway celebrating my new bloggy look.  Hurry, I'll choose the winners Wednesday night!!  :)


  1. Gratitude definitely deserves our attention. Thanks for the reminder.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First


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