Work on Words Wednesday - Word Games! {and a Freebie}

It feels like almost everything I want to share with teachers, parents, and administrators is about the importance of Word Study. There are many different ways to approach word study in the classroom. During this new series of blog posts, I'm hoping to share many techniques I implemented and used successfully with students in the past. I hope you'll tune in on Wednesdays... Font: KG Fonts , Digital Paper: Sassy Designs Word Games are an effective method to encourage students to "play" with words. If you play word games often, you may be surprised at the level of discourse students use when discussing their words. As you hit the thrift shops and yard sales preparing for your classroom, keep your eyes open for a few of these games. I always do a bit of word work as we begin our Guided Reading group, and when I don't have a particular skill they need to work on that session, we'll play a word game for a few minutes. Read on, and ...