Amazing Resources, Part 2 and a SALE

Here's another quick round up (in no particular order) of some Amazing Resources for classrooms available online. Best part of all? They are all free!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If your class is stuck indoors, no worries! Hop on over to Adventure to Fitness , and register for a free teacher account. Mr. Marc guides the class through a dynamic and fun adventure to keep fit while exploring the arctic, the pyramids, or the jungle. New episodes are added often, and teacher guides are available for each episode. Be swift, be safe, be adventurers! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With all of the focus in Common Core on nonfiction text, it can be a challenge to find engaging, age-appropriate materials. National Geographic Young Explorers has put all of their past issues online for free, and students can explore the articles or even have the articles read to them! ...