Beyond Oral Reading Fluency ~ Dig Deep

The Reality of Oral Reading Fluency Often, teachers are asked to give too much importance to a bit of data. The current trend is a focus on Fluency in struggling readers, particularly in grades 2-5. The Oral Reading Fluency score (ORF) is simply a look at how many words the student read correctly in a minute. If it is below the magic number, the teacher needs to take a closer look. The magic number varies, depending on the grade of the student, the time of year, and if you are using DIBELS , mClass , , etc. Here comes the tricky part - looking past the oral reading fluency to why the student is struggling. Too many teachers are being asked to provide an intervention in fluency, when that might not be the issue at all. Teachers and parents spend tons of time reading (and timing their students!) with the goal of reading faster. That's right. The goal is to read faster. They chart it, celebrate when the numbers rise, and fret when the numbers stay the same. ...